A Formula for Discrimination, 2022

Personal Work

A Formula for Discrimination (2022)

Hanging Sculpture.

Wood, newsprint, plastic

The partnership between the U.S. government and formula companies disproportionately harm Black women and children. Black women are seen as the poster child for formula. Hospitals in Black communities give out more free formula and limit access to the tools needed to successfully breastfeed. Black women are even overrepresented in government assistance programs that also distribute free formula. Add on the fact that most Black mothers go back to work after the 6 week period and don’t have access to jobs that offer proper spaces for mothers to pump and store milk which makes breastfeeding nearly impossible. There’s a deep rooted history going back to slavery and how Black mothers were separated from their children and forced to be wet nurses for white children which contributes to why more Black mothers are less likely to want to breastfeed. This piece confronts the stereotypes around Black mothers and formula feeding as well as confronting the rich history of Black motherhood. It forces its viewers to think more about the consequences of media and the push for formula. Also, the higher rates of infant mortality, diseases and conditions related to formula feeding.